About Us
Nadin Sanat Pak company was established with the aim of producing detergents and hygiene products using specialized personnel. Factory of Nadin Sanat Pak Company with standard and updated equipment, it was built on a land with an area of 4500 meters in Lia Industrial Town in Qazvin. This unit includes the production and packaging department, quality control and microbial laboratory, etc, and produces products with high standards.
Our products include Household cleaning products and personal hygiene branded Uniland made from the best Iranian and foreign raw materials in the first phase and in the next phases, it includes various products for family and personal care and new products with new and unique solutions for Iranian consumers.

Company goals and vision:
Production of high quality goods with new and up-to-date formulations with the ability to compare with high-quality foreign products and maintain quality.
Presence in the group of top Iranian and foreign producers.
Presence in the Iranian stock market.
Increasing products and diversifying the production portfolio.
Increase customer satisfaction by identifying and meeting their needs and improving the quality and variety of products.
Increasing the level of knowledge and awareness and empowering skilled employees as the most valuable assets of the organization.
Increasing the company’s share of domestic markets and entering foreign markets.
Creating diverse sales platforms.